Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Avarakai kathirikai poriyal


Avarakai -1 lbs
kathirikai -3
chilli pwdr - 3/4 tsp
coriander pwdr -1 tssp
turmeric pwdr - 1/4tsp
pepper and jeera pwdr - 1/2 tsp
onion - 1/4 cup
tomato - 1

In a pan add chopped onion, tomato, avarakai, brinjal and masala pwdrs(except pepper and jeera pwdr) and salt. Close it and let it cook by adding little water. Once the vegetables are cooked keep it aside. Season in a separate pan by  adding  3tsp oil, mustard and curry leaves. Now add the cooked vegetables in the seasoning pan and mix it by adding the pepper and jeera pwdr and cook for a min.
Serve it with rice.

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